Nose-in: The opening manoeuvre when indulging in cunnilingus!
Wind Dummy: Someone who does a Nose-In at precisely the wrong moment!!
Scorer / Good Scorer: The pilot who manages to score a home run with the highest number of batten bunnies during a comp (see Johnny Durand.)
GAP System: a love triangle.
Dutch Open: (see Hadewych van Kempen!)
Speed Bar: A speed-dating joint where pilots can find beer and 'ladies of negotiable affection.'
Giggle: This is a small gaggle of gliders in a very big thermal.
Gaggle: The sound a hangie makes when trying to laugh and perform oral sex simultaneously!
Final Glide: The final push a hangie has to make to come in goal!
Bomb Out: An Irishman's retribution on a pub or bar after being served a bad pint.
Tip Stall: Erectile disfunction after drinking too many bad pints.
Reserve: A back-up condom.
Competitors: All the other randy bastards trying to pull your date away from you.
Retrieve: A two-fingered fishing expedition after your condom goes missing in action!
Team Spirit: Strong drink, of any description.
Briefing: Telling your latest 'girlfriend' what you'd like to do to her.
Debriefing: Removing the under-garments of your latest pull.
Track-Log: Blogging to the world about all your latest conquests (see Johnny Durand.)
DHV: A mind-altering drug that ought to be banned.
Whack: Preemo Dutch Weed.
Climax: An excellent wing made by Airborne - ha, got you there!
Airborne Climax: Jerking-off at cloudbase while you wait for the rest of the gaggle to climb up to you!
Morning Glory: A daily, God-sent blessing that prevents you rolling out of bed in the morning... not the roll cloud found in the Gulf of Carpentaria.
EN69: The European Standard for Safe Sex (see also EN966 for purple helmets.)
Push: A tactic applied to the the pilot in the front of the launch line by the pilot coming up his rear.
Successful Landing: Any landing where all the wreckage is spread out in a straight line across the LZ.
Over the Back: Doing it Doggie style.
Indefinitely: When your balls are smacking off her arse, you're in... definitely!
I can't claim sole credit for the above glossary (well, not entirely!) as it was a joint effort by the members of Team Chicken Wings under the influence of a lot of beer! Please feel free to email me the definitions of any new hang gliding terms you can think of!